Firebrand Kitsap Unconference + After Party
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM) (PST)
The first-ever Firebrand Kitsap Unconference + After Party is here, and you're invited.
On deck for the Unconference: a stellar line up of speakers and discussion facilitators, including Mike Galgon (Pioneer Square Labs and Global Partnerships), Enrique Godreau (Voyager Capital), Chelsea Minola (Grain Design), Jim Gao and Katie Hoffman (Phaidra), Megan McNally (FBomb Angels), Neetal Parekh (Innov8 Social), Justin Lewis (Bedrock Labs), Stacey Luckensmeyer (EOS Worldwide) and more.
Afterward, local mentors, advisors, investors, service providers, policy makers, academic partners, and economic development champions will join the mix for a relaxed evening of food conversation, and connection at the Firebrand After Party.
Don't wait: Join us!
- As a Business Owner / Entrepreneur (Unconference + After Party)
- As a Non-business Owner / Entrepreneur (After Party)
- As a Sponsor (Unconference + After Party)
Additional Info
Check out link for more information
Firebrand Unconference: 9am - 3pm
Firebrand After Party: 3pm - 5pm